
The programs are offered at various schools within the city limits of Arlington. For more information you can complete the “inquiry” section.

CHANGE (Courts Helping A New Generation Excel)

We are excited to offer a valuable support program aimed at helping students overcome challenges like truancy, academic struggles, and negative behaviors. The Juvenile Case Managers (JCMs) provide services designed to help students stay engaged in school, improve their behavior, and ultimately avoid court involvement. These services are completely voluntary, and we are seeking your permission to enroll your child in this program if you feel it would benefit them. 

What Does the Program Do? 

Our JCMs work with students to understand the reasons behind their truancy and other challenges. They use a variety of approaches, including: 

  • Case management and individualized plans: The JCM will work closely with your child to create a personalized plan that helps address their specific needs. 
  • Group mentoring and social-emotional learning: These sessions allow students to connect with others facing similar struggles, build confidence, and learn valuable life skills. 
  • Crisis counseling: While not clinical, this support helps students deal with immediate concerns or emotional barriers to success. 
  • Regular check-ins and progress monitoring: The JCM will track your child’s progress in school and with their personal goals, making adjustments to their plan as needed. 

Why Should You Consider This Program? 

This program has helped many students achieve success in a number of areas, including: 

  • Improved grades: Many students see a boost in their academic performance after participating. 
  • Better attendance: The program has helped reduce truancy rates for many students. 
  • Fewer discipline issues: By addressing underlying causes of behavioral problems, the program has helped students reduce disciplinary referrals. 

Additionally, JCMs are highly trained professionals with experience in working with at-risk youth. They are passionate about supporting students and empowering them to succeed, both academically and personally. 

What Happens Next? 

Once we receive your permission, the JCM will meet with your child to complete an assessment and develop a plan that suits their needs. You’ll also be kept informed of your child’s progress along the way. Our goal is to support both your child and your family to help them thrive. 

We believe this program can make a big difference in your child’s future, and we encourage you to consider enrolling them. If you have any questions or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

day workshop in which a Juvenile Case Manager will address (with the student and parent) behaviors and concerns that led to the referral. The Juvenile Case Manager will refer the student and parent to the appropriate community resource at no cost to the family, as well as follow up for support.




Community Outreach

This is an educational presentation to local agencies, schools, and civic groups with topics related to juvenile issues, court processes, and minor offenses such as underage drinking.


A young men’s mentoring program for elementary and middle school boys aged 10-14. Grant funded through the Office of the Governor and the Office of Juvenile Justice, three part-time mentors will meet with mentees fulfilling the goal of keeping students in school and out of the courts by redirecting the causes of truancy, lack of academic proficiency and misbehavior through mentorship. This is done by establishing connections with mentees that highlight individual strengths, helping them recognize, and address trauma, stress, and triggers. The mentors will also help build a mentee’s personal, interpersonal, and community goals. Mentees will work in step with campus staff to build a community of accountability for the mentee so that their leadership skills and self-confidence will grow.



A girl’s mentoring program by which girls, with GRACE, learn to dream big, stretch beyond their limitations, achieve past their imagination, and impact communities beyond their reach. The program focuses on preventing truant conduct, academic failure, school dropout, juvenile delinquency, and violence. GRACE explores effective and meaningful solutions to address the issues surrounding the causes of students experiencing truancy, academic failure, and delinquent conduct.


MAY (Mentoring Arlington Youth)

The MAY program takes a strength based mentoring approach with the students to address the underlying reasons for their behavior relying on the understanding that students have the capacity to change and grow out of poor decision-making. This approach provides a positive alternative to the court system, reduce recidivism, and improve school attendance. The program is available to seventh grade male students at risk for dropping out of school. The mentorship involves eight face-to-face weekly sessions in which an Arlington Police Officer and a teacher mentor the students. Ten students are selected for the program. One eight-week workshop runs the fall semester and another the spring semester.

The MAY program implements the Restorative Justice Model for accountability. This model defines accountability as taking responsibility for your behavior and taking action to repair the harm. Mentees have an opportunity to understand how their behavior affects others, acknowledging the behavior choices, take action to repair the harm (when possible), and making changes to avoid the behavior in the future. Effective strategies are through processes for making amends (when appropriate), offer a meaningful way for the mentee to accept responsibility for their actions, encouraging an apology or expressions of remorse, and community service.

TIPS (Truancy Intervention Program Support)

The TIPS program seeks to provide early intervention services, by a school-based Juvenile Case Manager, to reduce the onset of delinquent behavior with the goal of diverting students from court.

We are excited to offer a valuable support program aimed at helping students overcome challenges like truancy, academic struggles, and negative behaviors. The Juvenile Case Managers (JCMs) provide services designed to help students stay engaged in school, improve their behavior, and ultimately avoid court involvement. These services are completely voluntary, and we are seeking your permission to enroll your child in this program if you feel it would benefit them. 

What Does the Program Do? 

Our JCMs work with students to understand the reasons behind their truancy and other challenges. They use a variety of approaches, including: 

  • Case management and individualized plans: The JCM will work closely with your child to create a personalized plan that helps address their specific needs. 
  • Group mentoring and social-emotional learning: These sessions allow students to connect with others facing similar struggles, build confidence, and learn valuable life skills. 
  • Crisis counseling: While not clinical, this support helps students deal with immediate concerns or emotional barriers to success. 
  • Regular check-ins and progress monitoring: The JCM will track your child’s progress in school and with their personal goals, making adjustments to their plan as needed. 

Why Should You Consider This Program? 

This program has helped many students achieve success in a number of areas, including: 

  • Improved grades: Many students see a boost in their academic performance after participating. 
  • Better attendance: The program has helped reduce truancy rates for many students. 
  • Fewer discipline issues: By addressing underlying causes of behavioral problems, the program has helped students reduce disciplinary referrals. 

Additionally, JCMs are highly trained professionals with experience in working with at-risk youth. They are passionate about supporting students and empowering them to succeed, both academically and personally. 

What Happens Next? 

Once we receive your permission, the JCM will meet with your child to complete an assessment and develop a plan that suits their needs. You’ll also be kept informed of your child’s progress along the way. Our goal is to support both your child and your family to help them thrive. 

We believe this program can make a big difference in your child’s future, and we encourage you to consider enrolling them. If you have any questions or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

We are currently housed at Carter Junior High, Workman Junior High and Nichols Junior High.