About the City Auditor's Office

The City Auditor’s Office is responsible for conducting performance audits, to include operational, compliance and information technology audits. The City Auditor’s Office performs special audits as requested or as considered necessary. The Office also monitors the City’s fraud hotline and provides assistance to the City’s external audit firm.

Audit Staff

The City Auditor’s Office is composed of the following staff:

  • City Auditor – Susan Edwards, CIA, CFE, CICA
  • Assistant City Auditor – Philip DeGroat, CIA, CISA
  • Internal Auditor – Lee Hagelstein, CGAP
  • Staff Auditor – Stephanie Brown

Contact the City Auditor’s Office

Call us at 817-459-6144.

Auditing Standards

The City Auditor’s Office uses Government Auditing Standards to provide a framework for conducting high quality internal audits. These Standards contain requirements and guidance to assist auditors in objectively acquiring and evaluating sufficient, appropriate evidence and reporting the results.

When auditors perform their work in this manner and comply with the Standards in reporting the results, the auditors’ work can lead to improved government management, better decision making and oversight, effective and efficient operations, and accountability for resources and results.