Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) 15%
Fees related to room occupancy or readying the room for occupancy are subject to HOT.
City of Arlington 9%
The City of Arlington’s Hotel Occupancy Tax rate is 9 percent of room rate, plus applicable fees and charges. The rate is comprised of a 7 percent for City and an additional 2 percent for Venue.
State of Texas 6%
The State of Texas imposes a 6 percent Hotel Occupancy Tax rate. For information on the State Hotel Occupancy Tax, please visit the Texas Comptroller's website.
General Charges
City of Arlington - Arlington Tourism Public Improvement District (ATPID) 2%
The City of Arlington’s ATPID rate is 2 percent of room rate, plus applicable fees and charges. This rate is for hotels that have 75 or more rental sleeping rooms on site. Please visit the ATPID website for more information.
State of Texas - Hotel Recovery Fee .525%
Texas law imposes a margin tax on each company conducting business in Texas, including the Hotel Owner. To recover the cost of the margin tax, guest room rates are subject to a "State Cost-Recovery Fee" (currently 0.525% of the room rate, plus applicable state and local taxes).
General Services (Check with Hotel on specific services)
Separately charged services or items not subject to HOT are subject to 8.25% sales tax.
For additional information regarding taxable services and items, please visit the State of Texas Comptroller’s “Quick Reference Guide for Hotels”.