Neighborhood Block Parties & The Block Party Trailer

A Block Party is a gathering of neighborhood residents that may require the closure of neighborhood streets. To get started, you'll need to apply for a permit for your specific event. We'll route your application internally for departmental approvals, and we'll issue your permit to keep on hand at your event. After that, gather your neighbors and get ready for a great time!
Block Party Trailer Reservations
The Block Party Trailer is a free resource that will jump-start your neighborhood gathering. Neighborhood or homeowners’ associations, non-profits, schools, and churches within Arlington can reserve the trailer year-round, on a first-come, first-served basis; the trailer can be reserved twice per year per organization.
We encourage you to review the Block Party Trailer Checklist(PDF, 172KB) for all trailer contents (tables, chairs, coolers, games, etc.), which will assist in planning your event.
Liability Insurance coverage is recommended for use of the Block Party Trailer, as the City of Arlington does not assume liability for injuries or damages resulting from its use. If you decline coverage, you must submit a Waiver of Liability Insurance(PDF, 40KB) assuming all event risks.
- To check trailer availability, contact us with your specific date request at
- To reserve the trailer, submit the online application at least 10 business days prior to your event. Upload a map showing the delivery location for the trailer.
- To reserve the Block Party Trailer and close a residential street, submit the Block Party Trailer and Residential Street Closure request as denoted in the online application.
- City staff will schedule trailer delivery prior to your event and pick-up the following business day.
Residential Street Closures
A Residential Street Closure Permit is required for an outdoor gathering of neighbors located on or along a street abutting their residences for which a portion of the street is closed to traffic.
Residential Street Closure Requests require the approval and signature of homeowners impacted by the street closure. A Roster of Affected Homeowners(PDF, 89KB) must be included with your application. The number of required homeowner signatures is calculated as follows:
Length of Street Closure |
Required Signatures of Affected Homeowners |
More than 1/2-mile |
50% or more |
Less than 1/2-mile |
75% or more |
When you apply online, you must also submit a map indicating the location of the street closure and placement of the barricades. City staff will deliver and pick-up barricades at the designated locations prior to your event and pick-up the following business day.
Residential Street Closures are limited to eight hours per day and twice per calendar year by location, plus the annual National Night Out in October.
To apply for a Residential Street Closure, submit the online application at least 10 business days prior to your event. Upload the required Roster of Affected Homeowners and a map showing the street closure location and barricades placement.
You can apply for a Residential Street Closure permit as a stand-alone request or in conjunction with a neighborhood event using the Block Party Trailer.
The following uses and activities are not permitted with a Residential Street Closure:
- Races, parades, runs, or other similar events
- Sale of merchandise, food, or beverages
- Amplified sound (e.g., DJs, professional sound systems, live bands, or other excessively loud equipment)
- Food trucks and concession stands that sell menu food items (Food trucks or concessionaires hired as caterers for an event are allowed.)
- Entry fee requirements for attendees
Additional Information
If your event is beyond the scope of the Residential Street Closure, it may require an additional permit, such as a Temporary Outdoor Event Permit, Special Event Permit or a Temporary or Seasonal Food Establishment Permit. Visit the Planning and Development Services Department’s Permit Applications & Forms webpage for more information or email
All Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission requirements must be met if alcohol consumption is allowed at your neighborhood block party.
Application Checklist
Use the Online Application for:
- Block Party Trailer Reservation – You’re requesting use of the Block Party Trailer only.
- Residential Street Closure – Your event will only require street closures.
- Block Party Trailer and Residential Street Closure – You’re requesting the Block Party Trailer and street closures for your event.
Useful Documents
Questions? Contact us at or 817-459-6254.
Apply Online
Before starting your online application, please have the following documents ready for upload.
If requesting a trailer:
- a map showing the delivery location for the trailer.
- proof of liability coverage or signed liability insurance waiver.
If requesting a residential street closure:
- a map indicating the location of the street closure and placement of the barricades.
- a roaster of affected homeowners affected by the residential street closure.
Complete Application Online