Street Maintenance Schedule
How does the City of Arlington identify street maintenance needs?
The Public Works Department has developed a comprehensive pavement management program that assists city staff in maintenance planning and scheduling.
The department continuously collects information regarding the condition of street segments through either in-house observations, work order history, or the services of a pavement survey contractor. The data collected is entered into an asset management system and combined with other factors to determine the segment's Overall Condition Index (OCI). Segments are scored on a scale of 0-100, based on the "ride" and "distress" of the segment.
What happens after the OCI is calculated?
Street segments with an OCI rating less than 50 are considered a “red” segment and in need of a complete rebuild. These segments are addressed through the department’s Capital Improvement Program.
Street segments with an OCI rating of 50.00 – 69.99 are considered “yellow” and are considered for inclusion in the street maintenance program. Once street segments are identified for maintenance, the Public Works Department personnel selects the most efficient and effective street maintenance program to extend the life of the segment and coordinates with Arlington Water Utilities to ensure water or sewer line work beneath the roadways are completed prior to undertaking street maintenance work.
Street segments with a rating of 70 or above are considered “green” streets and do not require any maintenance activities.
Which streets are scheduled for maintenance?
View the maps listing the locations to be completed under the 2024 Street Maintenance Program.
2024 Street Maintenance Location Map(PDF, 5MB)
What can I expect if my street is selected for maintenance?
Approximately one month prior to the start of the project, occupants and owners of residences and businesses adjacent to where the work will be performed, will receive a notification letter providing more detailed information about the project.
Additional information will be communicated a few days prior to the start of construction via hangers on the doors of residences and businesses immediately impacted by the construction. The hangers will contain additional project information and special instructions. Door hangers will used as needed throughout construction to convey any additional information regarding the work being performed.