The Arlington Police Department's Victim Services Unit exists to provide services to victims and family members with the goal of lessening the short and long-term trauma experienced as a direct result of victimization.
The Victim Services Unit provides crisis counseling, crisis intervention, criminal justice support and advocacy, information and referral, notification of rights and assistance with filing Crime Victims Compensation claims, assistance with property return, court accompaniment, child care during statements, and transportation to court or to shelter to all victims of violent crime reported to the Arlington Police Department.
Hours of Operation
The Victim Services office operates from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. seven days a week.
Victim Services personnel are also available for call out 24 hours a day at the request of patrol officers or investigators.
Contact Us
Youth and Family Specialist Program
The Arlington Police Department's Youth and Family Specialist is a licensed professional who provides services to youth and their parents when a child/adolescent is involved with the department whether that involvement is as a victim, as suspect, or because the family has called the police for help with a developing problem that has not yet become criminal. The Youth and Family Specialist is in the office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Arlington Police Department's Victim Services Program is currently seeking volunteers to assist victims of violent crime.
If you are interested in gaining valuable experience while serving victims in our community, please contact 817-459-5339.
Volunteers must complete an interview process and background/criminal history check, including a polygraph, prior to acceptance.
Texas Crime Victims' Rights
Crime Victims' Compensation
Code of Criminal Procedure, Texas Crime Victims' Compensation Act, Chapter 56, Subchapter B
Purpose: To compensate residents of the United States who suffer personal injury or death as the result of a violent crime, including DWI, Failure to Stop and Render Aid, and certain other vehicular crimes.
Find more information on Crime Victims' Compensation.
The Texas Office of the Attorney General's Crime Victims' Compensation Division phone number is 1-800-983-9933
Helpful Phone Numbers
Local Resource List
- Tarrant County District Attorney, Victim Assistance 817-884-2740
- Tarrant County Probation, Victim Assistance 817-884-3725
- Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice Victims' Services 1-800-848-4284
- Tarrant County District Attorney, Family Violence Unit 817-884-3535
24 Hour Numbers
- Safe Haven (24 hours) 877- 701-7233
- Rape Crisis & Victim Services (24 hours) 817-927-2737
- Tarrant County Mental Health (24 hours) 817-335-3022 or 1-800-866-2465
Some of the local agencies that provide services to victims
- Safe Haven Resource Center 817-548-0583
- The Women's Center 817-927-4040
- Legal Aid of Northwest Texas 817-336-3943
- District Attorney, Protective Order Unit 817-884-1623
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving 817-810-9300
- All Church Home for Children 817-335-4673
- Crime Scene Cleanup: Victim Services Personnel can assist you with referrals to companies who clean up crime scenes.
Texas Resources
- Texas Crime Victims' Clearinghouse 1-800-848-4284
- Family Violence Legal Line 1-800-374-4673
- Family Law Hotline 1-800-777-FAIR
- Texas Youth Hotline 1-800-210-2278
- Crime Victims' Compensation 1-800-983-9933
Links to other websites for victims of crime