Contact the Police Department

Police Administration

Chief of Police
Al Jones
(817) 459-5702

Chief of Staff
Courtney White
(817) 459-5718

Executive Assistant to the Chief of Police
Joan Montgomery
(817) 459-5702

Assistant Police Chief - Patrol Operations Bureau
Leland Strickland
(817) 459-5709

Interim Assistant Police Chief - Support Operations Bureau
Curtis Petties
(817) 459-5319

Interim Assistant Police Chief - Investigations Bureau
Kyle Dishko
(817) 459-5612

Assistant Director - Administration Bureau
Brett Dove
(817) 459-5321

Main - North Station

Ott Cribbs Public Safety Center
620 W. Division St.
(817) 459-5700
Open 24 hours a day

Deputy Chief Brian Garcia
(817) 459-5616

Lt. Jared Ross - Sector J - Midnight Shift Commander
(817) 459-5604

Lt. Jennifer Rhodes - Sector K - Day Shift Commander
(817) 459-5605

Lt. Charles Brown - Sector L - Evening Shift Commander

East Station

East District Police Station
2001 New York Ave.
(817) 459-5803
Open 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Daily

Deputy Chief Kyrus Branch
(817) 459-5845

Lt. Michael Moses - Sector F - Day Shift Commander
(817) 459-5833

Lt. Dallas Snodgrass - Sector G - Evening Shift Commander
(817) 459-5834

Lt. Justin Leathers - Sector H - Midnight Shift Commander
(817) 459-5830

Beat Map for the East Police Station

West Station

West District Police Station
2060 W Green Oaks Blvd
(817) 459-6040
Open 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. M-F, closed on weekends

Deputy Chief Kris Caldwell
(817) 459-6042

Lt. Kelly Velder - Sector R - Day Shift Commander
(817) 459-6053

Lt. Brad Norman - Sector T - Evening Shift Commander
(817) 459-6052

Lt. Adrian Yowman - Sector S - Midnight Shift Commander
(817) 459-6051

Beat Map for the West Police Station

South Station

South District Police Station
1030 S.W. Green Oaks Blvd
(817) 459-6640
Open 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. M-F, closed on weekends

Deputy Chief Paul Rodriguez
(817) 459-6464

Lt. Tonya Crutcher - Sector X - Midnight Shift Commander
(817) 459-6447

Lt. Ronald Herd - Sector Y - Evening Shift Commander
(817) 459-6454

Lt. Aaron Oden - Sector Z - Day Shift Commander
(817) 459-6427

Beat Map for the South Police Station

Training Center

Police Training Center
6000 W. Pioneer Parkway
Arlington, TX 76013
(817) 299-2870

Arlington Police Department Police Training Center exterior photo

Road Rage Hotline

The Arlington Police Department has a road rage hotline to report aggressive drivers. This hotline is not a replacement for 9-1-1. Motorists finding themselves involved in an in-progress incident with an aggressive driver should still contact 9-1-1. The telephone number for the road rage hotline is (817) 459-5389. You can also fill out an online report.

The purpose of the road rage hotline is to provide follow-up communication with registered owners whose cars have been reported to be involved in an aggressive driving incident.

Callers to the hotline should provide their contact information, a detailed description of the aggressive driver and vehicle involved, a general description of what happened and a location and time of the incident. By providing a license plate of the alleged suspect vehicle, investigators from our Traffic Unit will follow-up with the incident. A letter will be mailed to the registered owner describing the allegation and provide tips on how to remain calm in traffic and safely diffuse future incidents.

LGBTQ Liaison

Sgt Karen Martin Sgt. Karen Martin

The LGBTQ liaison is a city employee that serves as a point of contact and resource for LGBTQ employees of the City of Arlington or employees seeking information relating to LGBTQ matters, including community resources.


  • Shares and maintains a referral list relating to LGBTQ resources in the DFW area.
  • Works with the Human Resources Department to identify training needs and/or educational resources required to ensure a diverse, inclusive working environment.
  • Coordinate the City of Arlington’s Pride Alliance including maintain the group email distribution list, communication with the group, and set-up regular meetings.
  • Responsible for reporting employee concerns and allegations of violations of City Policy to the Human Resources Department including Policy violations of 114.00 Discrimination and Harassment and 201.00 Performance and Conduct Standards.

Warrant Unit

The Arlington Police Department Warrant Unit is responsible for clearing all outstanding Arlington Municipal Court warrants.

Our operational hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the weekdays. After hour messages are responded to the next business day.

For current active warrant information contact us at 817-459-5748.

We are able to provide the violators with several different clearance options as long as our unit is contacted.

Email us at

Victim Services Unit

The Arlington Police Department's Victim Services Unit exists to provide services to victims and family members with the goal of lessening the short and long-term trauma experienced as a direct result of victimization.

The Victim Services Unit provides crisis counseling, crisis intervention, criminal justice support and advocacy, information and referral, notification of rights and assistance with filing Crime Victims Compensation claims, assistance with property return, court accompaniment, child care during statements, and transportation to court or to shelter to all victims of violent crime reported to the Arlington Police Department.

Hours of Operation

The Victim Services office operates from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. seven days a week.

Victim Services personnel are also available for call out 24 hours a day at the request of patrol officers or investigators.

Contact Us

Youth and Family Specialist Program

The Arlington Police Department's Youth and Family Specialist is a licensed professional who provides services to youth and their parents when a child/adolescent is involved with the department whether that involvement is as a victim, as suspect, or because the family has called the police for help with a developing problem that has not yet become criminal. The Youth and Family Specialist is in the office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Arlington Police Department's Victim Services Program is currently seeking volunteers to assist victims of violent crime.

If you are interested in gaining valuable experience while serving victims in our community, please contact 817-459-5339.

Volunteers must complete an interview process and background/criminal history check, including a polygraph, prior to acceptance.

Texas Crime Victims' Rights

Crime Victims' Compensation

Code of Criminal Procedure, Texas Crime Victims' Compensation Act, Chapter 56, Subchapter B

Purpose: To compensate residents of the United States who suffer personal injury or death as the result of a violent crime, including DWI, Failure to Stop and Render Aid, and certain other vehicular crimes.

Find more information on Crime Victims' Compensation.

The Texas Office of the Attorney General's Crime Victims' Compensation Division phone number is 1-800-983-9933

Helpful Phone Numbers

Local Resource List

  • Tarrant County District Attorney, Victim Assistance 817-884-2740
  • Tarrant County Probation, Victim Assistance 817-884-3725
  • Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice Victims' Services 1-800-848-4284
  • Tarrant County District Attorney, Family Violence Unit 817-884-3535

24 Hour Numbers

  • Safe Haven (24 hours) 877- 701-7233
  • Rape Crisis & Victim Services (24 hours) 817-927-2737
  • Tarrant County Mental Health (24 hours) 817-335-3022 or 1-800-866-2465

Some of the local agencies that provide services to victims

  • Safe Haven Resource Center 817-548-0583
  • The Women's Center 817-927-4040
  • Legal Aid of Northwest Texas 817-336-3943
  • District Attorney, Protective Order Unit 817-884-1623
  • Mothers Against Drunk Driving 817-810-9300
  • All Church Home for Children 817-335-4673
  • Crime Scene Cleanup: Victim Services Personnel can assist you with referrals to companies who clean up crime scenes.

Texas Resources

  • Texas Crime Victims' Clearinghouse 1-800-848-4284
  • Family Violence Legal Line 1-800-374-4673
  • Family Law Hotline 1-800-777-FAIR
  • Texas Youth Hotline 1-800-210-2278
  • Crime Victims' Compensation 1-800-983-9933

Links to other websites for victims of crime

Other Police Resources

Auto Pound (24 hr.)
(817) 478-2001

Crime Prevention
(817) 459-5725

Detectives Central
(817) 459-5300

Detectives North
(817) 459-6480

Detectives East
(817) 459-5825

Detectives West
(817) 459-6081

Detectives South
(817) 459-6367

Internal Affairs
(817) 459-5611

Jail/Bond Info (24 hr.)
(817) 459-5648

Police Records / Reports
(817) 459-5680

Property Room
(817) 459-5720

Recruiting / Personnel
(817) 459-5733

School Resource Officers
(817) 459-6307

Traffic Enforcement
(817) 459-5784

Victim Assistance
(817) 459-5339

Crime Stoppers of Tarrant County
(817) 469-8477