Internal Affairs
The Arlington Police Department is dedicated to providing the best police service possible to all citizens. Employees are carefully selected and trained to provide service to the community. This website gives an overview of the ways to commend exemplary performance or file a complaint against a Police Department employee.
A commendation is any form of a compliment worthy of praise. If you see a Police Department employee (sworn or non -sworn) exhibit outstanding behavior, tell the employee -or us -about it. Click the link below to submit a commendation.
Submit a Commendation
Other ways to commend a Police Department employee:
Write a letter to the employee's supervisor, Deputy Chief, or the Police Chief at:
Arlington Police Department
P.O. Box 1065
Arlington, TX 76004-1065
You may also send an email to:
If you are unsure of the employee's name and still would like to have a commendation processed call 817-459-5611, describe the employee and list the specific actions or demeanor that impressed you. Mention the location, date and time the incident occurred.
When a citizen has a complaint against a Police Department employee (sworn or non-sworn), the complaint is directed to the department's Internal Affairs Office, located at the Ott Cribbs Public Safety Building, 620 W. Division Street in Arlington, 817-459-5611. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. If the office is closed, you may still file a complaint with any Police Department supervisor, who will then forward your report.
There are three ways to submit a complaint:
Internal Affairs Department at 817-459-5611. If no one is available, please leave a detailed message. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Send an email to Inbox is checked regularly by Internal Affairs Personnel. Upon review, you will be contacted acknowledging receipt of your complaint.
Arlington Police Department, 620 W. Division Street, Arlington, TX 76011. Request a complaint form from the desk officer. All written complaint forms will be submitted to the Internal Affairs Department.
Texas Law requires that all complaints against police officers be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint. Complaints must be made within 30 days of the incident unless special circumstances exist. The person who was wronged must file the complaint; other persons may give statements as witnesses. Internal Affairs investigators will ensure that a thorough investigation of your complaint is conducted. A police employee must be given a copy of the complaint before any disciplinary action is taken. When the investigation is completed, you will be notified of the results and action taken. Click the link below to submit a complaint.
Submit a Complaint
Learn about the department's Initial Complaint Process.
False Complaints
All complaints are taken seriously and investigated completely. Filing a false complaint against a police employee is a violation of the Texas Penal Code, Section 37.02. If a person knowingly and intentionally makes a false statement under oath or swears to the truth of a false statement previously made under oath, a person may be found guilty and punished by a fine up to $4,000, confinement in jail up to one year, or by both fine and imprisonment.
What happens when a complaint is upheld?
When the investigation finds that the charges against a police employee are true, the employee's Assistant Police Chief notifies the employee and may take one of the following actions:
- reprimand the employee verbally or in writing;
- suspend the employee without pay;
- demote the employee; or
- discharge the employee.
Employees can appeal the department's decision to uphold a complaint and the decision to discipline the employee.
What happens when a complaint is not upheld?
Complaints must be supported by sufficient evidence. When the investigation cannot find the degree of evidence necessary to prove the employee acted improperly, both the employee and the complainant will be contacted.
Racial Profiling Complaints
CCP Art. 2.132 Law Enforcement Policy on Racial Profiling requires the department to provide public education on the racial profiling complaint process. For the Arlington Police Department, officers are required to provide written notification of the complaint process during any relevant contact with the public. Additionally, any member of the public may call the Internal Affairs Office at 817-459-5611.
The Arlington Police Department is vitally interested in taking action when its employees are derelict in their duties or are guilty of wrongdoing. Your complaint will be given a fair and thorough investigation.
Annual statistical summaries of internal investigations are available on the department's web site.
Arlington Police Department Critical Incident Process
By law and under APD general orders, two separate investigations are initiated whenever an officer utilizes deadly force.
Public Notice of Title VI Program Rights
The Arlington Police Department gives public notice of its policy to uphold and assure full compliance with the non-discrimination requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related authorities. Title VI and related non-discrimination authorities stipulate that no person in the United States of America shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, income level or Limited English Proficiency be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Any person who desires more information regarding the Arlington Police Department's Title VI Program can contact the Arlington Police Department' s Internal Affairs Office at the address noted below.
Any person who believes they have, individually or as a member of any specific class of persons, been subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, income level or Limited English Proficiency has the right to file a formal complaint. Any such complaint must be in writing and submitted within 180 days following the date of the alleged occurrence to:
Arlington Police Department Internal Affairs Office
620 W. Division Street
P.O. Box 1065
Arlington, TX 76011
Annual statistical summaries of internal investigations are available by contacting the department’s Internal Affairs Section.