Turner Warnell

  • Project typeRoad Widening
  • Project scheduleConstruction began in April 2023 and is anticipated to be complete by June 2025.
  • Completion DateJune 30, 2025

Turner Warnell Road is a major east/west arterial roadway. The project consists of widening Turner Warnell Road, between S. Cooper Street and Matlock Road, from two lanes with a center turn lane to four lanes with a divided median to increase capacity and mobility, and reduce congestion. This project will improve continuity of the corridor by connecting to existing four-lane divided median roadways on both ends of the project. This project also includes a new roadway connection from Turner Warnell to Dan Gould Drive for increased mobility from the residential neighborhood. Pedestrian safety will be enhanced with new sidewalks along both sides of the project corridor and new streetlights within the median. This project includes completely reconstructing the two-lane county type road, installing a new storm sewer system, new sidewalks, and streetlights. This project will be design and constructed to match the requirements in the City of Arlington’s 2017 Thoroughfare Development Plan.

Project Updates

Construction began in April 2023 and is anticipated to be complete by June 2025.

  • Completed Work
    • Paving on Walnut Creek Drive is complete and open to traffic from Turner Warnell Road to the City of Arlington/Mansfield limits.
    • Paving on Turner Warnell Road is complete from Cooper Street to Matlock Road.
    • At least one lane of traffic is open for both westbound and eastbound traffic on Turner Warnell Road from Cooper Street to Walnut Creek Drive.
    • Two-way traffic is currently routed on the north side (2 westbound lanes) of Turner Warnell Road from Walnut Creek to Matlock Road.
  • Ongoing Work
  • Construction of sidewalks and driveway approaches along Turner Warnell Road
  • Prepare subgrade for Grimes Street paving
  • Landscaping
  • Upcoming Work
  • Paving Grimes Street
  • Installation of new traffic signals at Cooper Street and Turner Warnell Road

A public meeting to learn more about the scope of this project was held on Monday, March 6, 2023, in the Performing Arts Center of Summit High School, located at 1071 Turner Warnell Rd, Arlington, TX 76001.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this project being done?

The Thoroughfare Development Plan (TDP) is a long-range plan that identifies the location and type of roadway facilities that are needed to meet projected long-term growth within the City of Arlington. The TDP serves as a tool to enable the City to preserve future corridors for transportation system development as the need arises. It also forms the basis for Arlington’s roadway capital improvement program, roadway impact fees, and developer requirements. The TDP includes detailed information related to roadway classification, right-of-way requirements, design criteria, and number of through travel lanes for each thoroughfare within the City.

Turner Warnell is included as a major arterial on the City's TDP and was selected by the Citizens Bond Committee for inclusion on the 2014 Bond Election. Arlington voters approved funding for this project as part of the $160M street improvements package.

This project aligns with the City Council's priorities to Enhance Regional Mobility and Champion Great Neighborhoods.

What improvements are planned?

  • Widening to a 4-lane divided concrete roadway (2-lanes in each direction);
  • New 2-lane concrete roadway (1-lane in each direction), connecting Turner Warnell to Dan Gould Drive;
  • Construction of sidewalks on both sides of Turner Warnell;
  • Construction of underground drainage system;
  • Installation of streetlights and communication conduits along the roadway;
  • Landscaping and irrigation within the new median
  • Water and sanitary sewer improvements; and
  • Traffic signal improvements with new signs and pavement markings for the project limits.