Johnson Creek Tributary 9 Drainage Improvements

  • Project typeStormwater
  • Project scheduleThe engineering services contract is anticipated to go to council for approval by April 2025. Acquisition of property is scheduled to begin in 2026 and construction is scheduled to begin in 2027.

This project, which focuses on the Johnson Creek Tributary 9 Watershed, began because severe flooding of streets, homes and businesses had been reported to the City and identified through the previous Johnson Creek Watershed Study.

Proposed improvements to alleviate flooding consist of increasing storm drain and natural channel capacity between N. East Street and the AT&T Stadium Parking Lot 11, and increasing storm drain capacity at the Cedar Street and Elm Street intersection as well as the Cedar Street and Mesquite Street intersection.

Project Updates

The Johnson Creek Tributary 9 Planning effort is being conducted by a consultant for the City, Halff Associates. The City is currently in the scoping process for the engineering services necessary to design the proposed improvements.

The engineering services contract is anticipated to go to council for approval by April 2025. Acquisition of property is scheduled to begin in 2026 and construction is scheduled to begin in 2027.

Public Meeting and Information

A public meeting to learn more about this project was held on December 8, 2021.

Recordings of the information presented are available below.

Please see the Contact Us tab to submit questions about this project.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do to mitigate flooding now?

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) allows everyone to purchase flood insurance regardless of their flood risk or whether they rent or own their home.

For more information about flood insurance, you can contact the City at 817-459-6550, or your regular insurance agent.

How can I find out more about stormwater management in Arlington?

The Stormwater Division of Public Works includes infrastructure maintenance, compliance with state and federal regulations, and capital improvements.

Learn more about the City's stormwater initiatives and programs.

How can I report flooding to the City?

If your property is experiencing flooding, you can help the City by letting us know about your drainage concern by submitting a flooding questionnaire.

Submit a flooding questionnaire.

If you submit a flooding questionnaire online, the City will not contact you unless we need additional information. If you would like someone to contact you about flooding or other drainage concerns, then please call us at 817-459-6550 or submit a drainage concern through the Ask Arlington App on your phone.