2022 Residential Rebuild Phase I - Sunnyvale Drive This project focuses on the reconstruction of Marcellus Court and Sunnyvale Drive. In addition to roadwork, planned infrastructure improvements include upgrades to the water and sanitary sewer systems, pedestrian enhancements, and new streetlight installations.
2022 Residential Rebuild Phase II Residential road rebuild at Crooked Creek Lane, including Creek Wood Drive, Lynnwood Drive and Skylark Drive.
California Lane This project focuses on improving the existing drainage systems to mitigate flooding in the general area of California Lane from Canongate Drive to Westchester Drive and from Mayfield Road to Arkansas Lane.
Center Street The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive (Center Street) Project will connect Bardin Road to Green Oaks Boulevard with a new 4-lane concrete roadway. The project will also add a connection to Embercrest Drive.
Debbie Lane This project consists of widening Debbie Lane, from the City of Arlington/City of Mansfield city limits to State Highway 360, from two lanes to four lanes with a divided median to increase capacity and mobility, reduce congestion, and enhance safety.
Johnson Creek Tributary 9 Drainage Improvements This project, which focuses on the Johnson Creek Tributary 9 Watershed, began because severe flooding of streets, homes and businesses had been reported to the City and identified through the previous Johnson Creek Watershed Study.
Sublett Road This project aims to rebuild W. Sublett Road, between Joplin Road and the west city limits, from a two-lane county type road to a three-lane concrete road.
Turner Warnell The project consists of widening Turner Warnell Road, between S. Cooper Street and Matlock Road, from two lanes with a center turn lane to four lanes with a divided median to increase capacity and mobility, and reduce congestion.
Mansfield Webb Road The project involves widening Mansfield Webb Road between Silo Road and South Collins Street to improve mobility, increase capacity, and reduce congestion on this key east-west corridor to ensure that Mansfield Webb Road meets the current and future needs of the community.