Report Graffiti

On the Clock: City of Arlington's Graffiti Cleanup Crew

Code Compliance seeks to enhance and preserve neighborhoods, helping residents, business owners and visitors to Arlington feel safe anywhere, all the time. Graffiti creates blight upon neighborhoods, and it is only through the cooperative effort of the community that graffiti and its negative effects can be controlled. The Graffiti Abatement Team is working to make neighborhoods safe, strong and attractive.

Prompt removal of graffiti helps deter tagging. Property owners reporting graffiti with a signed consent form/waiver on file will receive free graffiti abatement. Property owners are encouraged to sign a consent form/waiver to allow the city to remove or paint over graffiti tags that occur on their property, free of charge.

Property owners choosing not to sign the waiver must remove or cover the graffiti within 15 days of receiving a notice of violation. Failure to cover up or remove the graffiti may result in citations or the city performing the abatement and billing the property owner.

Read the Ordinance

Consent to Have Graffiti Removed

Tips for Graffiti Prevention

Graffiti is a blight upon our community, and it is only through a cooperative effort of our citizens that graffiti and its negative effects can be controlled.

Make Your Property Graffiti Resistant

  • Install improved lighting and motion sensitive lighting.
  • Grow vines to cover unpainted retaining walls, or native shrubs with prickly or thorny foliage to block access to walls.
  • Install a graffiti resistant coating on your walls.
  • Cover drainpipes on commercial buildings to prevent scaling to roof.
  • Organize a commercial or residential Community Watch program. Call 817-459-5725 for assistance.
  • Create a “paint bank” with paint and supplies that others in the area can use when needed.
  • Keep matching paint on hand to paint out graffiti quickly. Studies have shown that eliminating graffiti within 24-48 hours is one of the most effective ways to discourage it.

Graffiti can often be removed without damaging the surface it is on. If removal is not possible, the graffiti may be covered by painting over it.

Effective graffiti elimination does not leave “shadows” or “ghosts”, and does not follow the graffiti pattern such that letters remain apparent after they have been removed or covered. Shaping a removal or coverage area as a neat geometric shape such as a box or circle reduces the potential for “ghosts” or “shadows”. If the area is heavily covered with graffiti, it is best to treat the entire surface.

Before you eliminate the graffiti, take a picture and email it to the police at, or mail it to Arlington Police Department, to the attention of:

Gang Unit Sergeant
Arlington PD
P.O. Box 90231
MS 04-0343
Arlington, TX 76004-3231


What is the definition of graffiti?

Any unauthorized inscription, word, signature, symbol, design or other marking which is etched, written, painted, drawn or applied to any structure, building or property or to any portion or element without the property owner’s permission.

Does graffiti mean gangs are in my neighborhood?

Not necessarily. Surveys in other cities have shown that less than 10% of graffiti is gang related. The rest is called “tagging” and is unrelated to gangs. Taggers sometimes work individually and sometimes form “crews”, who put their tags on as many places as possible.

Why do people create graffiti?

Some are seeking fame or recognition. Some just want to destroy property. Others are marking their territory to let people know who lives in that neighborhood.

What should I do if I see someone creating graffiti?

Call 9-1-1 if it is in progress.

Call Code Compliance 817-459-6777 if you see if after it is complete.

Who is responsible for removing graffiti?

Property owners, both residential and commercial, are responsible for the timely remove of graffiti. Graffiti not only makes our neighborhoods and commercial areas look unattractive, it affects our property values, business sales, and the community’s image. Ignoring graffiti gives the impression that it is acceptable and invites more.

Will the City remove the graffiti for me?

Property owners with a signed graffiti waiver form on file, will receive the removal of graffiti, at no charge. Beginning October 1, 2009, property owners without a graffiti waiver on file, who do not remove graffiti in a timely manner, will be subject to the assessment of a graffiti abatement fee of $150.

What if I know someone who creates graffiti?

You can report graffiti vandals anonymously to the Police Department email or at 817-459-5628.

Code Compliance team removing graffiti

Workers removing graffiti on wall

Code Compliance completing graffiti removal

After workers removed graffiti on wall

Before removing graffiti

Before removing graffiti on wall.

After removing graffiti

After removing graffiti on wall

Before removing graffiti

Before removing graffiti on alley

After removing graffiti

After removing graffiti on alley