Residents of Arlington multi-family communities may contact Code Compliance to report violations, such as lack of hot water, heat, air conditioning, or non-functioning appliances. Before calling, please give property management an opportunity to correct the problem.
Code Compliance encourages all residents of multi-family communities to pay close attention to outside storage on patios and balconies. Unkempt balconies are unattractive and may be considered unclean premises. Propane tanks, acetylene tanks or other highly explosive containers are not allowed to be used or stored on patios, balconies or apartment units.
The threat and spread of Bed Bugs throughout multi-family communities is a serious concern. To help prevent this problem, do not bring used mattresses or cushioned furniture of any kind into a dwelling unit until first making sure no Bed Bugs are present.
Inadequate swimming pool barriers are a common problem in multi-family communities. If you see a gate that does not close and latch by itself or a problem with a fence surrounding a pool, please contact Code Compliance immediately. A child’s life may depend upon it.
In the event of an emergency call 911. For questions, or additional information, please call 817-459-6777. Report online non-life safety concerns.
A new annual property inspection protocol and scoring methodology is adopted, with a Risk Rating Scoring System.