Multi-Family Rapid Reference Guide

Code Compliance inspects apartment complexes and extended stay properties in Arlington in an effort to maximize the safety of the occupants. Code Compliance Officers work to ensure that fire hazards, structural defects and other violations are eliminated. The minimum property maintenance standards and codes are intended to help build and maintain Arlington as a thriving community.

Common Code Concerns

Code Compliance assists residents of multi-family communities with unresolved issues such as lack of hot water, heat, air conditioning, or non-functioning appliances. The first step is to report any problem(s) in writing to property management to provide them an opportunity to correct the problem. If the issue is not resolved in a timely manner, contact Code Compliance.

Select a topic below for information about services available and common code concerns on Multiple-family residential properties:

Hot Topic - Cleanliness of Property

Any accumulation of trash, litter, building materials, tree limbs or debris, junk, etc. found on the grounds or property is unacceptable.

Common Violations

  • Various unpermitted items being stored on balconies, such as, but not limited to:
    • Appliance(s)
    • Construction materials
    • Items intended for interior use being stored on the exterior of a building
    • Tire(s)
  • A dumpster overflowing with trash, garbage, rubbish, junk, etc.
  • Loose trash or litter on the grounds of a multi-family community
  • Trash/trash bags stored on the stairwell landing of a multi-family community

Read the Ordinance

Learn more about garbage and recycling.

Hot Topic - Fence Issues

Property owners must maintain their fences in a structurally sound condition. A fence to a multi-family community that has more than 20% damage to any eight (8) foot section is a violation, as well as a fence that is leaning more than 15 degrees at any one point.

Code Compliance requires owners to repair, or replace fences identified in violation. (Removal is not an option where a pool barrier fence is involved, or when zoning regulations specifically require a fence.) A fence is considered dilapidated if 10% of its pickets or structural members are damaged, missing or rotted; or if any eight (8) foot section is more than 15% off vertical alignment.

New fences and replacement fences that replace 50% or more of one side of a fence require permits from Planning & Development Services. The posts and rails of a new fence must not be exposed to an adjacent street, in other words, the smooth side of a fence must face an adjacent public street. Also, as of 2009 when new residential design standards were adopted, both new and replacement wooden fences must have metal posts.

Visit Permitting & Inspections, a division of Planning & Development Services for more information.

Wood Fence General Construction Standards and Inspection Requirements(PDF, 534KB)

Read the Ordinance

Swimming Pool Barrier Fence Requirements

Swimming pool barriers/enclosures are designed to keep small children away from a pool. Code Compliance plays an active role in protecting children by administering codes pertaining to pool enclosures. An unprotected pool is potentially as life-threatening as an unsecured firearm in the house.

Damaged or missing swimming pool fences are considered a public safety risk and are a serious matter that could result in the automatic issuance of a citation. Please consult the Ordinance link below, or contact the Action Center for more information.

Read the Ordinance

Hot Topic - License and Fees

On June 18, 2013, the City Council approved an amendment to the Uniform Housing Code Chapter of the Code of the City of Arlington. The amendments provide for the following:

  • The requirement of an annual multi-family license
  • The probationary status, denial, suspension or revocation of a Multi-Family license
  • The annual attendance of a training program specific to code familiarization and crime prevention

For any additional information contact Code Compliance Field Operations Manager Doug Stewart at 817-459-5980.

Annual Property Inspection Fees Pursuant to the Uniform Housing Chapter

Multi-Family Apartment and Extended Stay property fees cover city expenses for each annual property inspection. Fees are divided into two payments per year, with billing cycles occurring in March and September.

Standard annual property fees which include the initial inspection and the first re-inspection are as follows:

  • Multi-Family Apartment: $22.36 per unit
  • Extended Stay: $86.04 per unit
  • On September 17, 2024, the City Council approved Resolution No. 24-259(PDF, 113KB) pursuant to the authority contained in the Uniform Housing Chapter.

After the initial and first re-inspection, violations that remain will require additional re-inspection(s) until the violation(s) has been corrected. Each re-inspection will result in an additional $150 fee.

Failure to pay billed amounts upon receipt may result in citation issuance and referral of account to the City Attorney for collections. For information relating to the Multi-Family Apartment and Extended Stay Inspection Program, contact Ann Ebert at, or by calling 817-459-5985. For billing related questions, contact Nicole Childress-Talton at, or call 817-459-6224.

Read the Ordinance

Hot Topic - Permits

A permit must be issued before any work is performed that requires a permit in the City of Arlington. Learn more about Multi-Family Residential Permits.

For information concerning when a permit is needed, and/or how to obtain a permit, contact Planning & Development Services at, or call 817-459-6502.

Hot Topic - Tenant Rights

As a tenant, or as a property-owner, there are certain expectations as to the conditions of the apartment complex. The codes and ordinances implemented by the City of Arlington are to help protect tenants and contribute to a thriving community. Code Compliance officers enforce the ordinances in a fair and impartial manner. There are times however, when tenants concerns may not be covered by the codes and ordinances and must be handled as a civil manner between the tenant and landlord.

Learn about Your Rights as a Tenant

Visit the Texas Attorney General of Texas website for more information

Report a Concern Online

Or call the Action Center at 817-459-6777. In case of emergency call 9-1-1.

Resources/Other Assistance

Better Business Bureau Fort Worth (serving Tarrant County)
306 W. Broadway Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76104

Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
600 E. Weatherford Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
800-995-3959 or 817-336-3943

Mission Arlington / Mission Metroplex
210 W. South Street
Arlington, TX 76010
Contact Mission Arlington online or call 817-277-6620.

Apartment Association of Tarrant County (AATC)

Contact the AATC for customer inquiries and complaints by calling the help line at 817-284-1123 or 817-284-1121.

Building / Unit Safety & Security

Minimum standards are in place to attempt to safeguard life or limb, health, property and public welfare at all multi-family properties.

Common Violations

  • Address not clearly posted on unit door and/or building
  • Exterior door without a deadbolt
  • Missing strike plate on doorjamb for deadbolt lock
  • Exterior window lock that does not secure properly
  • Exterior porch light without light bulbs or cover as provided by the manufacturer
  • Peephole that is cracked thereby blocking the view from inside of the unit
  • Pin lock on a sliding glass door is broken and/or missing
  • Vacant units with windows or doors left unlocked allowing for access by children, non-tenants, etc.

Read the Ordinance

Exterior Building Issues

General maintenance of the exterior of any building or structure on a multi-family community is required.

Common Violations

  • Cracked or missing paint allowing wood to be exposed on exterior walls
  • Damaged roofing or siding
  • Broken window, repaired with a piece of cardboard and/or tape
  • Exterior window with missing window pane allowing entry into unit
  • Light showing through the crack of an exterior door due to lack of proper door fit and/or weather stripping around the door

Read the Ordinance

Fire Safety & Related Issues

Code Compliance works in conjunction with the Arlington Fire Department to ensure the health and safety of its citizens. Our officers address and enforce city, state, federal or international fire codes that have been adopted by the City of Arlington.

Common Violations

  • Operating charcoal burners and other open-flame cooking devices on combustible balconies or within 10 feet (3048 mm) of combustible construction
  • Blocking exterior door or window/emergency exit out of a room or unit
  • Improperly maintained draft stop or fire stop inside the attic of a multi-family structure
  • No batteries in smoke detector or a smoke detector that is not installed and/or functioning according to manufacturer’s specifications
  • Storing propane tanks, gas powered equipment, or any combustible material in or around multi-family units

Read the Ordinance

General Electrical Issues

All electrical fixtures and wiring must be installed in accordance to manufacturer’s specifications, maintained in good condition, and used in a safe manner.

Common Violations

  • Any electrical installation or repair work that takes place behind a wall without a permit
  • Missing light switch and/or outlet cover resulting in exposed electrical wiring
  • Improperly wired outlet receptacle
  • Multiple electrical power strips and extension cords in use
  • Any missing or loose cover that results in exposed electrical wiring including exterior or interior air conditioning units, boilers, water heaters, etc.
  • Missing electrical clamp on garbage disposal

Read the Ordinance

For more information concerning electrical issues, and/or how to obtain an electrical permit, contact Planning & Development Services at, or call 817-459-6502.

General Mechanical Equipment Issues

All mechanical equipment must be maintained in good and safe condition and used properly according to manufacturer’s specifications.

Common Violations

  • Any piece of mechanical equipment that was not installed and/or is not functioning according to manufacturer’s specifications
  • Missing burner elements on a stove
  • Window unit air conditioner without its front cover as provided by the manufacturer, resulting in exposed wiring and mechanical parts

Read the Ordinance

For more information concerning mechanical issues, and/or how to obtain a mechanical permit, contact Planning & Development Services at, or call 817-459-6502.

General Plumbing Issues

All plumbing work must be installed according to manufacturer’s specifications and maintained in good condition.

Common Violations

  • Any plumbing work including fixtures, piping, etc. that was not installed and/or is not functioning according to manufacturer’s specifications
  • Any plumbing installation or repair work that takes place behind a wall without a permit
  • Water inside a multi-family unit that does not reach the temperature of 112ᵒ in a reasonable amount of time
  • Exposed sewer line without cap
  • Backed up/clogged drain(s) preventing proper disposal of water from sinks, bathtubs, etc.
  • Leaky, dripping faucet, pipes, etc.

Read the Ordinance

For more information concerning plumbing issues, and/or how to obtain a plumbing permit, contact Planning & Development Services at, or call 817-459-6502.

Report a Concern Online


Did you know Code Compliance will remove graffiti from residential and commercial properties for free?

Code Compliance seeks to enhance and preserve neighborhoods, helping residents, business owners and visitors to Arlington feel safe anywhere, all the time. Graffiti creates blight upon neighborhoods, and it is only through the cooperative effort of the community that graffiti and its negative effects can be controlled.

Property owners must sign a consent form/wavier for free graffiti removal.

Learn more about how to Report Graffiti

The Graffiti Abatement Team is working to make neighborhoods safe, strong and attractive.

Parking Facility Maintenance

Multi-Family parking facilities such as parking surfaces and parking striping are required to be maintained and kept in a state of good repair at all times.

Common Violations

  • Damaged parking surfaces (potholes, large cracks, etc.)
    • Cracks in parking surface allowing grass/vegetation growth
    • Areas of the parking surface with multiple patches compromising the integrity of the parking surface
  • Missing/faded fire lane and/or parking striping
  • Damaged/broken curb stop

Read the Ordinance

Proper Maintenance of Multi-Family Units

The interior of units must be maintained in accordance with codes governing minimum housing standards at a multi-family property.

Common Violations

  • Furnished appliances (provided by the owner) in inoperative condition
  • General dilapidation or improper maintenance of inside of unit
  • Infestation of insects, vermin or rodents
  • Missing or non-functioning:
  • Toilet
  • Lavatory
  • Bathtub or shower
  • Kitchen sink
  • Plumbing fixtures and/or connection to required sewage disposal system
  • Lack of adequate heating(PDF, 161KB)
  • Lack of adequate cooling(PDF, 161KB)

Additional Information

The threat and spread of Bed Bugs throughout multi-family communities is a serious concern. To help prevent this problem, do not bring used mattresses or cushioned furniture of any kind into a dwelling unit until first making sure no Bed Bugs are present. The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides this information pertaining to Bed Bugs:

Read the Ordinance

Inadequate Sanitation - Uniform Housing Code, Article X, Section 1001 (b)(PDF, 161KB)

Structural Issues

A violation is present if structural issues on the interior or exterior of a building cause concern for the safety of people in the general area.

Common Violations

  • Collapsed ceiling inside of building
  • Cracked and shifting concrete on the second floor story breezeway
  • Decayed and/or rusted metal on stairwell

Read the Ordinance

Map of Arlington Multi-Family Communities

The map below shows locations of Arlington multi-family communities and the name and contact information of the assigned Code Compliance officer. The annual inspection score and property rating is also provided for each community.

Other Multi-Family Information

Read the Code of Ordinances

Code of Ordinances

Report a Concern

Contact the Action Center to report a code violation by calling 817-459-6777. In case of emergency, call 9-1-1.

Photo of Arlington Multi-Family Code Compliance officers
Image taken swimming pool side of an apartment community in Arlington.
Image of two Code Compliance officers taken at the Mineral Well Public Plaza.
Image of an Arlington Code Compliance officer doing an inspection of a multi-family property.
Image of Code Compliance officers standing in the Mineral Well Public Plaza, downtown Arlington.
Image of Arlington Code Compliance officer educating students at a Career Day at an elementary school.