Unified Development Code (UDC) Article 5, Section 5.2.2.E.3 (pg. 132)
Parking Lot Screening
a. Applicability
All parking, maneuvering, customer loading areas, vehicular display and storage, and/or boat storage areas that are not screened by on-site buildings shall be screened from view of public streets pursuant to the standards of this section.
b. Design
(i) The screening shall be a minimum height of three feet.
(ii) Screening shall be opaque and consist of a combination of screening shrubs and a berm that is 24 inches high with a 3:1 slope. The Zoning Administrator may waive the requirement for the berm due to changes in grade or existing vegetation.
(iii) Masonry fences three feet in height may also be used. The fences shall be designed with a running base and fence cap of complementary material. If such fences are used, plantings of dense evergreen hedge material, designed to provide a minimum 30-inch high shrub at installation, shall be required between the fence and sidewalk. The fence shall be designed to allow articulated and pedestrian entrance features at the corners of the block, or no less than 500 feet apart. The fence shall be constructed along the rear line of the perimeter setback.
(iv) No single application of shrubs, berms, or masonry fences shall be used to screen an entire development. A single application of one screening device may be used for a maximum of 200 feet before alternating to another screening device. Openings in the screen for tree islands, decorative plantings, or other features may be approved by the Zoning Administrator.
c. Requirements Specific to the DB and DNO Districts
(i) Parking lots in the DB and DNO districts that are not screened by on-site buildings shall be screened from view of public streets by a three-foot high masonry fence within a five-foot wide landscaping bed.
(ii) All surface parking lots in the DB and DNO districts shall provide an additional five-foot setback from the front building line.
d. Plant Specifications
Screening shrubs shall be spaced a maximum of three feet on center, shall be a minimum of 30 inches in height at installation, and shall be capable of reaching a minimum height of three feet within 18 months of planting. At least 30 percent of the shrubs planted shall be flowering shrubs or perennial plants. All plants shall be species identified on the plant list approved by the Zoning Administrator.
Unified Development Code Information Bulletin with Approved Plant Lists(PDF, 150KB)
e. Maximum Grade
The maximum acceptable grades for screening areas, such as sodded berms and planting beds, shall be 3:1 (i.e., for every three feet in width, the berm shall be one foot in height).
f. Wheel Stops
Wheel stops shall be provided for parking spaces adjacent to a landscape setback where no curb is provided to prohibit any car overhang over the planting area. Wheel stops shall be located two feet from the landscape setback.