Responsible Pet Ownership


Commit to your pet for the life of your pet!

Visit the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) for information on pet ownership and more:


Never leave a pet outside in inclement weather. Always provide proper shelter.

Visit The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) website for more information:


Make sure pets are given fresh food daily and that pets have access to clean water at all times.

Visit the ASPCA for some pet nutrition information:

Visit the HSUS website to learn about Plants and food that can be poisonous to pets.


Ensure pets are clean by bathing, brushing or grooming when necessary.

The ASCPA offers this helpful information:

License/Register and ID Your Arlington Pet

Your dog or cat is required to be licensed annually.

Proof of current rabies vaccination and a $7 fee for altered animals ($30 for non-altered animals) is required. Proof of pet alteration is also needed to receive a discounted fee.

License / Register Your Arlington Dog or Cat


Pets should wear a collar with identification tags. Microchip your pet(s) and be sure to keep contact information current on the microchip.

Benefits of microchipping your pet:

  • Pets with microchips have a better chance of being reunited if they are lost
  • Microchips stay with your pets wherever they go
  • Microchips provide proof of ownership
  • Simple and quick to implant

Get Low-Cost Vet Services information.

Visit the AVMA for more information:


Do you own livestock in the city of Arlington?

Read Animals Chapter Article V, Section 5.03 Livestock

Please submit your information in the form below, so that we can contact you in an emergency.

Livestock Ownership Reporting Form

Animal Laws

Obey animal laws and always pick up after your pet, especially when in public or an area that is not your own private property.

Read the Ordinance

Do not chain, rope, tether, leash, cable or use any other device to attach a dog to a stationary object or trolley system.
This does not prohibit a person from walking a dog with a hand-held leash.

Animal Health


Keep pets healthy by getting their annual vaccinations and visiting the vet when they are sick or injured. Include pets in your emergency preparedness plans!

Get low-cost veterinarian services information.

Visit the HSUS website for pet health and safety tips:

Common Pet Diseases

Behavior Tips


Give pets the opportunity to express natural behavior by providing toys, training and enrichment to their lives.

Visit The HSUS website for information on:

Visit the ASPCA website for information about:


Do you own livestock in the city of Arlington?

Read Animals Chapter Article V, Section 5.03 Livestock

Please submit your information in the form below, so that we can contact you in an emergency.

Livestock Ownership Reporting Form

Annual Pigeon Permit

The harboring, breeding, maintenance, and flying of pigeons is permissible in the City of Arlington when a proper permit is obtained and kept current, with strict adherence to specific conditions and guidelines.

Animal Services seeks compliance with city ordinances to benefit the community while making neighborhoods a better place to live, work, and play. The City codes are designed to protect the health, safety and welfare of our neighborhoods. Effective June 26, 2012, an annual Pigeon Permit and Inspection fee was instituted. The rate is $35 per inspection and permit. Pigeon permit issuance sets forth an agreement with the applicant that the premises may be inspected by the City at all reasonable times to ensure compliance with city code. The conditions outlined in the Animal Chapter, City Code, and any other relevant law must be adhered to, or the Animal Services Manager may, at any time, deny the issuance or renewal of a license, as well as revoke or deny a permit. This may result in an order to have the pigeons removed from the City, or the issuance of an order to seize such pigeons if the Animal Services Manager determines it is in the best interest of the birds, or the health and safety of the citizens of Arlington.

For more information call Arlington Animal Services at 817-459-5898.