Animal Services Rapid Reference Guide

Our goal is to encourage responsible pet ownership by offering licensing programs, field enforcement services and educational programs for Arlington residents. The care of lost and unwanted animals and the eradication of rabies from the City's animal population are critical to successful operation.

Learn more about Animal Services' operations, educational programs, and more below.

Contact Us





Arlington Animal Services
1000 SE Green Oaks Blvd
Arlington, TX

Monday - Friday
(Intake Closed Mondays)
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

2nd Tuesday each month
11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

10 a.m. - 4 p.m.



Arlington Animal Services Center adoption program is open to anyone wishing to adopt a pet. Adoption of animals is on a first come, first serve basis.

Arlington Animal Services is committed to finding homes for our adoptable pets! We have a mobile pet adoption vehicle, thanks to a generous grant from the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation that is regularly scheduled at off-site events in the community to help find homes for the shelter pets.

Join us for fun, family-friendly, pet-saving community events!

Scheduled events are subject to cancelation without notice due to unfavorable weather conditions (heat, cold, storms, etc.) for the safety and protection of adoptable pets, volunteers, and staff.

Arlington Animal Services Center Statistics

Statistics for Animal Services are available detailing intake, outcomes and the nature of the outcome for each month.

Available Pets

We have a number of lovable adoptable pets looking for a kind, loving owner to provide them a new fur-ever home. All pets are given initial vaccinations, appropriate testing (Heartworm or Cat Combo) and are altered, registered and licensed before releasing to their new home. Arlington residents are required to maintain annual licensing and registration of their pet.

Each week, two adoptable pets are selected to feature as Pets of the Week to receive extra exposure to celebrity status to help them find forever homes.

Adoption Placement Partners

Adoption Placement Partners provide an important component in the effort to help save animal lives. Adoption Placement Partners work with the Animal Services Center to help find permanent homes for pets and also assist with unadoptable, sick, or injured animals.

Animal Bites

Arlington's licensing programs, field enforcement services, and education programs help keep the community safe as well as aide in the event of an animal bite. By definition, an animal bite or scratch is a bite or scratch that breaks the skin and is capable of transmitting rabies. A person commits an offense if they know of an animal that is suspected of being rabid and fails to report a bite or scratch to the Animal Services Manager within twenty-four (24) hours.

Animal Codes

Animal Codes and Ordinances keep the City of Arlington a safe, thriving community for both pets and pet owners. All ordinances on various topics are listed below.

Animals Chapter(PDF, 373KB)

Arlington Animal Services is concerned about your safety. Animal Services staff have created and designed programs involving responsibility, public safety and animal awareness. An Animal Awareness and Safety Program is offered for individuals that receive an animal related citation. Upon completion of the program, qualified individuals may have their citation dismissed for certain Animals Chapter and Nuisance Chapter violations. This program is not available to individuals who receive a citation for a violation of the Dangerous Animal provisions, or for failing to quarantine an animal. A program fee applies, per citation.

Cruelty to Animals Investigation

Arlington Animal Services investigates allegations of cruelty to animals only within the city limits. Cruelty investigations are governed by both Texas Law and local ordinances. These local ordinances, which include a no tethering ordinance, help to strengthen responsible pet care in our community. An Animal Services investigation may result in a hearing before the municipal court in order to determine whether or not an animal is being cruelly treated. Animal Services also assists Arlington Police with Penal Code violations relating to cruelty to animals.

Dangerous Dogs

Owners of dogs deemed dangerous must meet specific requirements in the City of Arlington. Our goal is to help people feel safe anywhere, all the time. Dangerous determinations are governed by both Texas Law and local Ordinances.

Deceased Animal Pickup

The death of a family pet can be a devastating event. We extend our deepest sympathy if you have experienced the loss of a beloved companion. If your pet has passed away, different options are available as outlined in the Animal Ordinance. You may call Arlington Animal Services to request a residential pickup of a deceased animal for a fee of $24.


Donations are always needed and are very much appreciated by Arlington Animal Services. We gratefully accept food, supplies and monetary donations toward the various programs the shelter has created to help the needs of animals and citizens throughout our community. All donations are tax deductible.

Learn more about making a donation and shelter needs


Arlington Animal Services is dedicated to providing education and services for our community. The annual Animal Essay Contest inspires creative writing skills in youth and encourages responsible pet ownership. The Animal Services Center offers a community room venue for animal lovers. Many more fun and learning based events occur throughout the year. Links to information about some of the programs and services offered are provided below.

Hours of Operation

The Arlington Animal Services Center is located at 1000 SE Green Oaks Blvd, Arlington, TX 76018, and open to the public the following days and hours:

  • Monday - Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Second Tuesday of every month 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Sunday - Closed

Operating schedule is subject to change during inclement weather conditions. Owner surrenders must have an appointment. All animal intake is closed Monday.

The center is closed during all City holidays. During all holiday closings, shelter staff is onsite to care for the animals in the shelter. For emergencies when the Animal Services Center is closed, please call 911.

Field Services

Animal Services field officers are dedicated to assisting Arlington citizens with various requests to ensure a safe and enjoyable community. They are there to enforce animal code and assist with complaints and concerns. To request assistance from our field officers call 817-459-5898. For emergencies after hours please call 911.

Field service hours:

  • Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Closed Sunday

Injured Animal

Arlington residents are able to reach out to the shelter concerning injured animals, whether personally owned, a wild animal, or a concern about possible animal abuse or neglect. Shelter staff and field officers are here to help with the care and placement of these animals. Resources such as foster homes and rescues may help save those animals' lives.

The center is closed during all City holidays. For emergencies when the Animal Services Center is closed, please call 911.

License and Register Your Pet

Dogs and Cats

Arlington residents are required to maintain a city issued license annually for their dog or cat. Proof of current rabies vaccination is required. The license fee is $7 for an altered animal, and $30 for an unaltered animal.

Pigeon Permitting

Pigeon permit issuance benefits the community by helping the health, safety, and welfare of Arlington neighborhoods. Effective June 26, 2012, annual Pigeon permits and an Inspection fee was instituted. You may obtain a copy of the pigeon permit online or at the Arlington Animal Services Center.

Do you own livestock in the City of Arlington?

Arlington Animal Services Field officers will assist with any issues involving loose livestock. To report any livestock issues or nuisances call the action center. In case of emergency or after-hours call 911.

Animals Chapter Article V, Section 5.03 Livestock (pg. 47)(PDF, 373KB)

Please submit your information in the form below, so that we can contact you in an emergency.

Lost and Found Pets

Whether it's a lost or found pet in Arlington, Animal Services provides its residents with a tool to help reunite a lost pet with their loving home. The interactive link on the web page allows citizens to post or view flyers of lost and found pets. Pets in the shelter's care may also be viewed on the website. Every animal that enters the center is scanned for a microchip and when one is found, attempts are made to contact the owner. Always remember to update the information on your pets microchip!

Owner surrenders must have an appointment. All animal intake is closed Monday.

Low-Cost Veterinarian Services

In an effort to keep Arlington neighborhoods safe and the number of pets who come to the shelter to a minimum, Arlington Animal Services urges residents to have their pets vaccinated and spay/neutered. We host Operation Kindness special vet clinic events at our facility. This community partner provides veterinary services at low and affordable rates. Keep Arlington healthy and vaccinate your pets.

Owning Chickens or Roosters

Can I have chickens?

  • Yes, you can own up to 4 chickens without distance, or lot size restrictions as long as they are confined to your property. 
    • 5-10 chickens must be kept in a coop 50 ft or more from the next dwelling if the lot is less than half an acre. 
    • 10-25 chickens must be kept in a coop 50 ft or more from the next dwelling and the lot must be more than a half-acre.  
    • 26 or more chickens must be kept in a coop 50 ft from the next dwelling on a lot that is more than 1 acre. 

Can I have roosters?


Report a Concern

For complaints and/or concerns, contact us at 817-459-5898, submit a concern online, or visit the Animal Services Center at 1000 SE Green Oaks Blvd, Arlington, TX 76018.


Arlington Animal Services responds to Arlington residents' calls concerning nuisances. If you are having a problem or are witnessing an animal related problem, contact us and a member of the administrative staff would be delighted to assist you with your complaint or concerns.

Affidavit Forms

Arlington Animal Services responds to calls for service only within the City limits. The Animal Services Center is dedicated to providing the community with responsive action to complaints received. Citizens can help with the enforcement process by providing signed, notarized affidavits in cases of animal nuisances, neglect and more.

Responsible Pet Ownership

Our goal is to encourage responsible pet ownership by offering licensing programs, field enforcement services and educational programs for Arlington residents.

Learn more about Responsible Pet Ownership.

Surrendering a Pet

Receiving Animals

Owner surrenders must have an appointment. All animal intake is closed Monday. Requests may be sent to and an Animal Services team member will respond as soon as possible.

It is asked that the pet owner look for any other alternative to bringing to the shelter. Animal Services works extremely hard to find homes for every suitable animal who comes into our care, however it is not possible to guarantee the placement of any animal. Our shelter staff would be happy to discuss alternatives that may help you keep your pet.

Stray Animal Intake

Stray intakes are worked in based on owner surrender appointments. If you have found a pet, help us help the pet.

Visit the Lost and Found Pets webpage for more information.

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Program

The City of Arlington is committed to the Trap-Neuter-Return program and works with community partners to safely trap feral cats, provide vaccinations and spay/neuter, and then release them back into their territory. This has actively reduces the number of feral felines who are subject to starvation, contraction of the rabies virus, and accidental deaths. It allows for the regulation of sizes and health of feral cat colonies. This act is to minimize the feral cat numbers and nuisances by reduction not elimination.

Volunteer Opportunities

Arlington Animal Services offers a wide range of opportunities for animal lovers interested in volunteering their services. Volunteers range in age from youth to seniors and all ages in between. We love our volunteers. Volunteers describe the experience as rewarding as they help our furry friends and in turn receive doses of pet therapy. If interested in volunteering, or you have any questions about volunteer opportunities, call 817-459-6183. We would love to have you as a part of our team as we work hard to save lives.

Foster Pet Program Volunteers are Needed!

Some pets that come to Animal Services require extra love and attention. This creates the need for Foster Pet Volunteers. These pets are placed in the program due to factors such as they are too young for adoption, they are injured or are recovering from surgery, or they may have other “special needs”. The shelter staff administrator will provide the foster parent with supplies needed and assistance through the program. On average, the stay in a foster home ranges two to four weeks. Arlington appreciates those individuals who are willing to donate their time and love to a pet in need.


Arlington Animal Services provides Arlington Residents education on wildlife in the community with the following:

  • How to handle or interact with wild animals
  • Removal of nuisance animals
  • Provision of rental of traps to help eradicate nuisance animals
  • Relocation of wildlife to help promote a healthy and safe community

More Wildlife/Exotics Resources