Become an Adoption Placement Partner

For assistance regarding the registration of your animal rescue/placement organization or the rescue of animals please contact

Registration Requirements

To become an adoption placement partner, complete and submit the three forms listed below as required for review and approval.

  1. Uniform Criteria Form(PDF, 72KB)
    • A scanned copy of the Uniform Criteria form may be emailed to, or faxed to 817-459-5698.
    • The original copy must be received to the Animal Services Center within ten (10) business days via U.S. Postal Service, other delivery service, or hand delivered to Arlington Animal Services Center:
      Arlington Animal Services Center
      1000 SE Green Oaks Blvd,
      Arlington, TX 76018
      Attention: Kennel Supervisor
  2. Adoption Placement Partner Transfer Agreement Form(PDF, 140KB)
  3. Adoption Placement Partner Application Form (New! Link to online submittal now available for this form.)

A copy of each form must be scanned/emailed/faxed or sent via the methods listed above. To fax, the fax number is 817-459-5698. For email, please use:

All other required information (listed below) may be scanned/emailed/faxed or sent via the methods listed above:

  • Name of organization
  • Breed(s) or species
  • Physical address
  • Mailing address if different than physical
  • Website information
  • Must submit and maintain a current copy of 501(C)(3)
  • List of approved animal transporters. The list may be amended by the organizations contact person. The contact person must submit the request on an official organizational letterhead.
  • References (to include but not limited to veterinarians and other animal shelters with whom the organization has a working relationship).
  • Type of housing provided to the rescued animal (e.g. foster home, kennels, boarding, kennel/cattery).